On X’s letter, and on submissions.

Los Angeles, California
June 29, 2000

Dear Readers:

Today, X. from Winnipeg writes again.

X.’s first letter, which was addressed, as today’s is, to the absent father of her teenage son, appeared on Open Letters a week ago today. You can read it by clicking here. And you can read here what I wrote last week about X. and her decision to write her open letters to the missing Mike.

Her letters, I am happy to report, will continue.

Tomorrow on Open Letters, Saturday comes early: as a special salute to the national holidays that are sweeping North America this weekend, we’re going to publish our weekly conversation on Friday, rather than Saturday, and leave it up for the entire long weekend. This week, Cheryl Wagner interviews Sam and Zak, members of a Florida death-metal band, about what should and should not be smoked.

Most things, it turns out, should.

One other housekeeping note: many readers have written to ask whether they are welcome to contribute letters to Open Letters, and if so, how they should go about submitting them. The answers: (1) Yes, by all means; and (2) by sending submissions, or queries about submissions, tosubmissions@openletters.net. Despite the fact that Open Letters prizes the unmediated voice, we do believe in the editorial process. Some letters that we run come in out of the blue and are published with very little revision; others involve more of a conversation between the editor and the writer. So bear that in mind if you’re submitting anything. But please, write. I’d like to hear from you.

Yours truly,

Paul Tough