On Pete’s letter, and on our week of returning correspondents.

San Francisco, California
September 25, 2000

Dear Readers,

Today’s letter is from Dishwasher Pete, a roving dishwasher currently living in Portland, Oregon. Pete is the creator of Dishwasher, one of the best magazines ever made. It is, among other things, an ongoing account of Pete’s quest to wash dishes in all fifty united states; likeRory Evans, Pete’s about halfway done. I can’t recommend Dishwasher strongly enough: to order a copy, send a dollar or two, and perhaps some stamps, to:

P.O. Box 8213
Portland, OR 97207

As he explained at the end of his last open letter, Pete is currently looking for a permanent home in the Pittsburgh area; if you know of an inexpensive house for sale in that city, please let me know, and I’ll pass on word.

This is a week with a theme, or at least a premise: Every letter this week will be from someone who’s written for us before. Often, as in Pete’s case, the letter will be part of a continuing series: Pete’s first letter was also about the saga of two dysfunctional sibling restaurants in Portland; and it was also written to Satch, a thirty-three-year-old professional dishwasher in Gainesville, Florida with whom Pete has been corresponding for a few years. (You can read more about Satch, and Pete, in myeditor’s letter from last time.)

Later this week we’ll have another letter from Aliza Pollack to her friend Miriam; as in her last letter, Aliza will be writing about her ongoing chemotherapy. We’ll find out what Paul Maliszewski and Monique did with the $200 they made from their giant moving sale; and more.

Yours truly,

Paul Tough