On M.’s letter, and on her new job.

San Francisco, California
October 13, 2000

Dear Readers,

Today our week of letters from various corners of the mental-health system concludes with the second half of M.’s letter from Cork, Ireland. I wrote at some length about M. and her letter inyesterday’s editor’s letter. Please read that, if you’re looking for context. And, of course, if you haven’t, please read M.’s first installment.

As we so often do, we’ve played fast and loose with the dates on M.’s letters; she actually wrote them during the summer, right after she was released from Mercy Hospital. So to update you: here’s an email that Margie received from M. this week.

Today I got a full-time job in the Virgin Megastore. Now I am happy. I am going to save up and buy CDs and vinyl every week and eventually when I have enough saved, I am going to buy turn-tables. Then next year my plan is to go on the pirate-radio station again when I am practised enough. Eventually I hope to get into real radio.

Notes to M., by the way, or to any of our correspondents, can be sent toeditor@openletters.net; we’re glad to pass them along.

Next week, more letters and more distribution channels. And tomorrow, as ever, our weekly PDF magazine goes out to subscribers. To subscribe, send a blank email to weekly@openletters.net, or visitthis page.

Yours truly,

Paul Tough