On Craig’s letter, and on moving, again.

Milford, Connecticut
November 16, 2000

Dear Readers,

Today’s letter is by Craig Taylor, author of the Eminem-on-a-bus letter, which we ran back in July. He is also the creator of the tiny illustrations that grace our pages, like that sword over there to the left, and the designer responsible for the clean, almost austere look of our web site. As I mentioned in yesterday’s editor’s letter, he moved recently from Toronto to London, to go to school, and his letter is about that move – a second or third letter, depending on whether you count Golda’s, in our ongoing series of letters about moving.

Like his first one, Craig’s letter is addressed to Scott, his brother, back home in British Columbia, holding down the fort.

If you’ve come to the end of Craig’s letter and you feel the desire to read still more quality prose by a British writer in the grip of an addiction to mind-altering substances (though it’s pot, in this case, rather than Mars bars), allow me to recommend this memoirby Geoff Dyer, published last week in Feed. It’s really good.

Yours truly,

Paul Tough