Editor’s Letters

On X.’s letter, and on collaboration.

On Sharon’s letter, on the new archives, and on a readers’ discussion board.

On Scott’s letter, and on shooting the dog.

On Brian’s letter, on punk-rock energy, and on giving us your money.

On B.’s letter, and on endings.

On Jonathan’s letter, and on Henry David Thoreau.

On Heather’s letter, and on her previous letters.

On Stephen’s letter, and on fakery.

On Paul’s letter, and on Gore v. Bush.

On Angelica’s letter, and on some loose ends.

On the woodworking letter, and on the rebirth of Other People’s Mail.

On the bodybuilder letter, and on the benefits of working at Kinko’s.

On Lady Stardust’s letter, and on the art of the con.

On the Amazon letters, and on creative customer service.

On the Danny/Brandi collection, and on the morality of voyeurism.

On the letter to Tiger, and on the birth of Other People’s Mail.

On Aliza’s letters, and on next week’s guest editor.

On Cheryl’s questions, and Matt’s answers.

On Aliza’s letter, and on Rosh Hashanah.

On Aliza’s letter, and on catching up.

On Kevin’s letter, and on our renovated archives.

On Todd’s letter, and on Atomic Books and Aquarius Records.

On Michael’s letter, and on romantic encounters on trains.

On Bruce’s letter, and on our new bilingualism.

On Dean’s letter, and on today’s election.

On Jessica’s letter, and on reaction to her first letter.

On Rick’s letter, and on memory control.

On Josh’s letter, and on ballot irregularities.

On Craig’s letter, and on moving, again.

On Golda’s letter, on writing about music, and on two more bookstores.

On Cheryl’s letter, and on emailing a friend.

On Paul’s letter, on moving, and on de-munging attachments.

On Mrs. Ross’s letter, and on Remembrance Day.

On Kevin’s letter, and on chain emails.

On Michael’s letter, and on early returns.

On Sarah’s letter, and on the democratic process.

On Leanne’s letter, and on our visual side.

On Kevin’s letter, and on a visit to KHUM.

On Heather’s letter, and on our new illustrations.

On Jonathan’s letter, and on self-referentiality.

On Sheila’s letter, on dread, on smoking-break reading, and on a Jai Alai show.

On Lauren’s letter, and on other workplace letters.

On Julie’s letter, and on Il nuovo Radiohead.

On Jourdon’s letter, on our bookstore project, and on a surefire way to get beaten up in Winnipeg.

On John’s letter, and on Open Letters: the handheld version.

On M.’s letter, and on her new job.

On M.’s letter, on schizophrenia, and on symbolism.

On Jessica’s letter, and on handwritten letters.

On Miriam’s letter, and on the end of the X. letters.

On Robbie’s second installment, and on next week’s letters.